Getting to the Qualicum Trestle
Getting to the Qualicum Beach Trestle is not very difficult. In fact, you can approach it from either side. If you are approaching from the east, you can park your car at the end of Andreeff Road, and there will be a little trail that brings you to the train tracks. Follow these tracks for a couple minutes and you will arrive at the trestle.
If you are approaching the trestle from the west, park your car somewhere on Allgard Rd, and there should be multiple paths off the road that bring you to the train tracks. From there, follow the tracks until you reach the bridge. The walk on this side is a bit longer than the one on the east side.
Explore Little Qualicum River Trestle
While it seems that many of the Qualicum Beach locals walk across the bridge as a shortcut to get into town, we can’t recommend walking on it. The trestle is fairly wide, and the tracks are no longer in use, but there are no guard rails and it would be quite easy to trip on the wooden structure of the trestle. Instead, we suggest that you follow a path beside the bridge and go down to the water for a swim.

Swimming Below the Trestle
The section of river directly below the trestle is fairly deep, making it a good swimming hole. Locals have been using this as a swimming location for years – my dad recalls using it when he was a teenager. The base of the trestle also provides a nice sitting area where you can set up camp and enjoy the afternoon by the water.